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Return Policy

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At Epilogue, we are dedicated to ensuring a positive experience for all our valued customers. Please review our return policy below:


Incorrect or Undelivered Orders:

If you receive an incorrect order or do not receive your order at all, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. In such instances, we will gladly provide a full refund to rectify the situation promptly. Simply contact our customer service team at or call (601)-123-4675, and we will assist you in resolving the issue efficiently.


Returns for Used Books:

Due to the nature of our resale business, returns for used books are generally not accepted. However, we understand that mistakes can occur or that the quality of a book may not meet our standards. In such cases, customers may request a review for potential refunds.


Review Process for Refunds:

If you believe there has been an error with your order or if you are dissatisfied with the quality of a book, please reach out to our customer service team within [number] days of receiving your order. We will assess the situation and, if necessary, initiate a review process for potential refunds.


Refund Method:

If a refund is approved as a result of our review process, it will be issued in the form of in-store credit. This credit can be used towards future purchases on our website, allowing you to explore our diverse selection of discounted books.


Thank you for supporting Epilogue's mission to provide affordable reading options while contributing to local libraries. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding our return policy.

For further inquiries or assistance regarding returns, please don't hesitate to contact us at or call (601)-123-4675. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way.


Happy reading!


Lillie Senkbiel


Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)




2337 5th Ave.

New York, NY, 10016

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Return Policy

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